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Hdd and Graphics card buying Tips

Hdd buying Tips

Hdd and Graphics card buying Tips

Hard disk drive:

PC  stores all our work on all hard disks. Currently the scope of the hard disk is increasing as the scope of work increases. For example, if you want to give a space to a Windows, then the minimum value is 20g. As well as many other programs, movies, audio-video songs and games currently occupy a large space. Currently, many people prefer the space for hard disk drive choices. And so when buying PCs, many people just choose the hard disk drive space and they think their duty is finished. In fact, the matter is not as easy as it is taken. The hard disk also has some internal affixes.

Such as: buffer, rotation speed (which is expressed with RPM), latency, data transfer rate, interface, etc. Those advanced users are hoping to collect information from the net and decide to buy a hard drive. But those who are a bit awkward, like me, can be reminded of a trusted vendor in this regard. However, you may decide to buy, depending on the opinions of other users.

At present, the cost of a hard disk drive is much higher. However, I would advise Level-3 users not to take the hard disk below 5 GHz right now. And in the evening you can take 3 terraces. For Level-2 and Level-3 users, it is best to have a hard disk drive of 3 terra space. But level-1 users will tell you to try to buy a hard disk by viewing the internal specification of the hard disk drive along with the space. For example, at present, the hard disk drive of the SATA-2 interface at 120 rpm is quite avalable. However, the SATA-1 hard disk will be coming to market soon. For level-1 users who work with multimedia and HD video at the pro level, if possible try to purchase a hard disk drive of 1 rpm. Although the price is much higher than the space. Western Digital Caviar Black is my favorite favorite right now as a brand and model of hard disk. Although the price is a little higher than it is worth saying.

And those who are enthusiastic can dream about Solid State Drive. Because of the price of 20 gigara, you can buy ten more hard drives of the same size.

Graphics Card (PCI Express Card):

Lots of bloggers seem to be moving too !! The only two companies currently ruling the market in terms of graphics cards. AMD and Nvidia. Although they mainly make chipset for graphics cards. And using those chipsets, different companies make their graphics cards. If a year ago, I could declare one winner by comparing two different company chipset. But now the situation is completely different. Now no one is less than anyone. However, with some of my actual experience and ideas from some of the net's forum sites, I think the performance of the cards produced by the Nvidia chip is relatively good among low-budget graphics cards. And if the budget is high, then Radion chipset cards are better than that.

If you wanted to get a graphics card, the whole post would be written down, but they contained so much technical information that many would go over the head !! However, I do not recommend any level of graphics card selection. But let's talk about the specifications of a graphics card for a job.
Many people measure the performance of their card with the memory on the graphics card. Which is absolutely wrong. Depending on how many things a card performs, the most important of these is - chipset !! This is the life of the card !! Notice how powerful it is. To give a small example: A 12GB card of a Radion 4 chipset will perform better than a card of 5 gigabytes of Radion3 chipset.
But if you play games with high resolution on a large monitor, then the memory of the card is very important. It should also be noted about the various ports on the card, such as DVI or HDMI port, display port, VGA, TV output etc. There were some other pro level issues that need to be discussed, but things can seem complicated to many, so I'm skipping out now. As a brand of graphics card my favorite is in the very first position - ASUS, Gigabyte, Sapphire.
